Coloured plastic poster frames are made from durable ABS outdoor grade plastic and can be combined with a range of fixing accessories, making these poster frames suitable for many indoor and outdoor uses.
Coloured poster frames in sizes A5, A4 and A3 are commonly used in garden centres. They are sized to fit laminated paper and we stock a large range of add-on fittings to secure the frames. Read more...
A budget friendly poster frame for displaying adverts or staff notices on the wall.
Plastic slide-in style poster frames have many applications. That includes keeping a check on toilet cleaning for good practice in facilities management. These frames are easily mounted on the toilet or bathroom wall. A clear plastic poster protector slides down in front of your printed check sheet or notice. When the cleaner or janitor services the facilities it is an easy matter to lift the front cover with the help of a finger-lift D-tab attached to the plastic cover sheet.
The same stick-on plastic frames can be used for displaying customer notices, health and safety information and other purposes in any workplace situation. In this case the finger-lift tab is not generally fitted. These frames also suit laminated paper signs as they are slightly over-sized to suit standard laminating pouches.
Many different clips and fixings are available for Slim frames depending on the situation. These plastic frames are also available with stands: e.g. as a table top sign stand or floor sign stand.
Poster protectors, clear anti-glare plastic covers, and chalk card inserts which can be written on with chalk pens are sold separately.
Sprung loaded clamps for use with sign holding slim frame plastic poster holders. Attach to a multitude of retail fixtures and fittings. Use on boxes and crates for an eye-catching produce display.
Provide the means to secure plastic Slim Frames in specific situations.
As Slim Frames fit laminated paper inserts they are often used outdoors or for displaying POS materials in shops such as garden centres. The clamps and fasteners in this section make it possible to secure these useful sign holders in a range of difficult situations. These fasteners are used for attaching to tables, desks, counters, boxes, crates, rails,dump bins etc.