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Organising the flow of people through healthcare settings can be difficult. Hospitals can be intimidating and patients and visitors can easily get lost amongst the many floors, corridors and wards. GP surgeries are increasingly becoming larger local healthcare hubs with multiple rooms for doctors and nurses on rotas, visiting services and consultants. Even pharmacies often have numerous areas catering to different customer need.
Choosing the right wayfinding solutions and creating the right printed signs can create an organised and welcoming environment that contributes to a sense of wellbeing and care and reduces confusion and stress. Read more...
Reduce patient, customer and visitor anxiety and present an organised, professional and warm environment by implementing a wayfinding system that is clear and easy to read, understand and follow. Use information displays in public areas to advise visitors of the services you offer and in staff areas to notify colleagues of meetings, schedules and important messages.
We are pleased to be able to offer a range of products to assist in the fight against infection transmission. Hand hygiene compliance is supported through the use of hand sanitiser - we have an excellent range of dispensers available. Transmission of airborne viruses is also minimised through erecting screens at points where visitors and patients come in to contact with staff.