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Whether you are responsible for the upkeep of washroom facilities in the workplace or public amenities, you will know how important it is to present any signs and information in the space in a manner that guarantees that they'll be noticed. You will also be sensitive to the expectations of customers regarding hygiene products in our cleanliness-aware world.
We offer a superb range of frames and holders to perfectly set off the messages that you want to display, along with a hand washing solutions for your washrooms. Read more...
Workplace and public washroom facilities and toilets display all kinds of information - from cleaning schedules and checklists to visitor notices and advertising campaigns for big brands, charities, and local businesses.
We do not provide pre-printed signs for toilets and washrooms. We do, however, supply an excellent range of poster frames and sign holders which are perfect for displaying your own printed signs, notices, schedules, and advertisements in washroom facilities in the workplace and public buildings. You can even choose a plastic frame and couple with a laminated print for a wetroom or steamy environment - perfect for gym changing rooms and showering facilities. Our frames and holders are easy to install and incredibly simple to use - updating notices and schedules and changing adverts takes just a few seconds. Once in use, the surfaces of our frames and holders are also easy to wipe down and keep clean.
Use frames to display customer notices - for example, who to contact if a cleaner is required. Snap frames are a popular choice - prints and posters are easily inserted behind a poster protector included with every frame so you can be confident that your notices will stay looking new, clean, and professional. Stick-on frames with bold and coloured borders are particularly useful to highlight health and safety signs, including fire evacuation and first aid.
Help your cleaning operatives by keeping schedules and check sheets on display. Using a 'slip-in' frame or checklist holder also helps keep paperwork in order so auditing rotas and maintenance is simple and hassle-free.
Toilet advertising is well established and used by global brands as well as local businesses. Generate income for a small investment in smart and easy to use poster frames to display A4 or A3 advertisements. Position these above the gents' urinals, the back of cubicle doors, or next to hand dryers - spaces where you have a captive audience.
Keeping your facilities clean has never been more important - and neither has personal hygiene. Offering visitors the opportunity to dispense soap in a hygienic touch-free manner to wash and clean hands is an excellent way to demonstrate your contribution to public health. Choose a non-touch dispenser for dispensing liquid soap or hand sanitiser gel.