We always want our customers to be happy and will be pleased to answer any questions about the suitability of the product you are ordering for your intended application. Please remember that many of our products are large and cannot be sent by post, so returning goods may be costly. So if you're not sure, please ask!
We try to make our descriptions clear and offer lots of guidance about the size of products on our website, so we recommend customers check the product details. Unfortunately it is not normally possible to send goods 'on approval', although samples of low value items can be requested when your potential order quantity is in excess of 100 pieces.
We check goods and pack all orders very carefully, but occasionally damage can occur in transit. If goods are received damaged or faulty please let us know so that we can put matters right without delay. If possible please forward picture(s) so we can establish if it is best to supply a replacement part or resend the complete item.
We will keep you informed and tell you if we need to pick up the damaged item. Please email or call us during office hours on 01489 896999 and we will be pleased to help.
We make very few packing mistakes and we are really sorry if there are any errors or omissions. Naturally we will correct any mistakes as quickly as possible. We do ask customers to unpack and check the order within 7 days* of receipt please. If you cannot find an item remember to empty the boxes as certain components travel better sandwiched between other items, or they may be in the bottom of another box.
If we have sent you the wrong item, or if you have ordered the wrong item, please be sure to keep the original packaging so the goods can be returned in perfect condition.
* We regret no claims for errors or omissions can be accepted more than 30 days after the date of delivery.
Purchases made by consumers for personal use (where the intended use is not in connection with the individual's trade, business, craft or profession) are covered by the Consumer Rights Act which gives you 14 days to change your mind and a further 14 days to return the goods. The value of goods returned in satisfactory condition will be refunded, but not the original carriage cost.
Our products are principally intended for use in connection with a business, organisation or trade and for such customers we apply a 10% restocking charge for returned goods to cover administration and re-stocking. The restocking charge may be waived if customers wish to exchange goods for another product of equal or greater value, though carriage will be chargeable. Courier charges are one-way, not round-trip, so unfortunately it is not possible to reduce collection charges by combining with a delivery.
If items are purchased with free delivery that means we funded the delivery cost out of the sale. If such goods are subsequently returned for credit an appropriate adjustment will be made to compensate us for this cost.
The cost of returning goods is the purchaser's responsibility, except in the case of incorrectly supplied, faulty or damaged goods. Some items are too large or heavy to send by post and a courier service will be the best solution. Retuned goods are at the risk of the purchaser until safely received by us. We advise you to use an insured and trackable shipping method.
When requested we can quote for picking up unwanted goods. Please bear in mind that collection charges are usually higher than delivery charges.
We can only accept back for credit goods which are 100% resalable. The product must be intact without any scuffs or scratches and in its original packaging, which must be unmarked. In practice this means that a product to be returned should not have been assembled or installed. Some products have inner packing elements which must be in place. Outer boxes specific to a product form part of that product and cannot be accepted back if missing, defaced or improperly resealed.
Please use a return address label, identifying you as the sender - do not write directly on the boxes.
Once agreed, refunds will be processed promptly using the same method as the original payment. Please allow up to 14 days (but usually it's quicker). If you require a Credit Note for your accounts please mention this so we can email it to you.
Products which are custom-made cannot be returned for credit. Unfortunately orders for bespoke items cannot be cancelled once production has commenced.